Cosmetic Gum Treatment

Gummy Smile Treatment

Expert correction of Gummy Smiles and Uneven Gumlines

Some people are born with an uneven gumline or excess tissue that makes their smile look “gummy” and their teeth look short. Others develop excess gum tissue over time for various reasons, including prolonged use of certain medications.

Whatever the reason, it is an important issue to get corrected. Gum tissue overgrowth is not only a cosmetic concern, it can also cause problems with your oral health. Too much tissue makes it more difficult to properly clean your teeth and increases the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Dr. Sanders provides expert treatment to address these issues.

Simple, Gentle Procedure

If you have a gummy smile, Dr. Sanders carefully removes excess tissue from the gumline, lengthening the appearance of your teeth and helping you achieve a more attractive smile. Similarly, he can remove tissue that creates an uneven gumline and detracts from an otherwise aesthetic look. Dr. Sanders provides gum recontouring treatment using a simple, gentle procedure.

Natural-Looking Results

Dr. Sanders takes meticulous care with the details of the procedure to make sure that your new gumline is aesthetic and well-proportioned. He ensures that your new gumline has a rounded shape around every tooth to give you the most natural look.

Call 623-233-0215 to schedule an appointment.

Gum Treatment Testimonial

Phoenix Gummy Smile Treatment“My dentist sent me to Dr. Sanders because I had a receding gumline. Dr. Sanders was friendly and made me comfortable with the procedure.

The gum recession procedure was quick and easy, and the friendly, knowledgeable staff made it easy for me to schedule.

Thanks to my treatment, my gum line has been restored, and I have no more irritation or sensitivity.” — Taylor