Gum Recession Treatment

Gum Recession Treatment

Get back a youthful, confident smile with minimally invasive treatment!

Gum recession leaves teeth exposed to damage and decay and can cause significant tooth sensitivity. It can also detract from your smile. While many people think that nothing can be done to restore the gumline once it has receded, that is not the case.

Dr. Sanders is a specialist in gum treatment and has over 30 years of experience treating and correcting gum recession. Dr. Sanders uses two different procedures to address gum recession. Both are minimally invasive and very effective in restoring root coverage, protecting your teeth and giving you a more aesthetic smile.

Minimally Invasive Gum Grafting

Phoenix Gum Recession Treatment
Dr. Sanders goes over the procedure step by step and answers any questions.

Dr. Sanders provides expert gum grafting using microsurgical instruments and a minimally invasive technique that does not require any large incisions. This procedure provides very stable results and augments gum tissue if you have very thin gums so that root coverage can be restored and future problems are also prevented.

Dr. Sanders will you keep you comfortable during the procedure and provide you with detailed post-treatment instructions to make your healing comfortable and fast.

Quick and Easy Gum Recession Procedure without Using the Roof of Your Mouth

Gum Recession Treatment in Phoenix
Treatment results in both better protection for your teeth and a more aesthetic smile.

In certain cases, Dr. Sanders can provide effective treatment using a revolutionary new technique that requires no grafting at all. During the procedure, he uses specially designed micro-instruments to gently separate the outer and inner layers of gum tissue through tiny, pinhole-sized openings.

After the two layers are separated, he repositions the outer layer to cover the exposed tooth roots and restore your original gumline. Dr. Sanders then uses collagen (a protein) to hold the gums in place and allow them to heal in their new position.

This minimally invasive procedure provides immediate results and healing time is very quick — you can likely go back to your regular routine by the very next day. Results have been found to be long-lasting for most patients. Dr. Sanders will do a comprehensive oral exam to determine the best treatment option for you.

Call 623-233-0215 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sanders

Gum Recession Treatment Testimonial

Gum Recession Treatment testimonials

“My dentist sent me to Dr. Sanders because I had a receding gumline. Dr. Sanders was friendly and made me comfortable with the procedure.

The gum recession procedure was quick and easy, and the friendly, knowledgeable staff made it easy for me to schedule.

Thanks to my treatment, my gum line has been restored, and I have no more irritation or sensitivity.” — Taylor